Invigorate! One of our new fragrances and why our customers LOVE IT!

There are really good reasons behind why we choose the fragrances that go into our natural candles. We were only ever going to work with botanical-inspired scents, and as our range develops our goal is to only use essential oils because not only do they smell amazing, they also have some pretty awesome super powers!

Invigorate is one of our new fragrances for 2021 and is a deliciously zesty blend of orange, mandarin and ripe green bergamot infused with herbaceous lavender and chamomile.

Bergamot orange, is a fragrant citrus fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow or green coluor similar to a lime, depending on ripeness. Genetic research found bergamot orange to be a probable hybrid of lemon and bitter orange. It is a delicate citrus plants, requiring a special climate and soil in order to thrive. It is unique among citrus oils because of its ability to be both uplifting and calming, and is therefore an excellent choice for adding to our natural wax candles.

Bergamot works well with lavender, and our Invigorate candle fills the rooms at Herberowe HQ with the most delicious perfume which definitely keeps us calm, centred and balanced but also focused and positive about the day ahead. While lavender alone has a super calming and relaxing effect, when it is combined with orange, mandarin and bergamot with a touch of super soft chamomile the effect is definitely one of balance and motivation - which is good because we are very busy with orders at the moment!

Choosing a candle to suit your mood is a good use of essential oils and home fragrances. You will see from our fragrance page that we do have scents to help you relax, soothe, calm your mind, refresh and clear, inspire and uplift you and invigorate you! One of our lovely customers recently asked us to make six special order candles - three Invigorate and three Relax. She has been burning them in different zones of her home and tells us she is positively wafting though her lockdown days feeling invigorated and enthused as well as staying calm and centred.

The power of smell cannot be underestimated, especially not during this winter lockdown. Our candles will fill your home with perfumes reminiscent of happy times but will also keep you calm, positive and focussed.

Take a look at our fragrances page to find out more.


For the love of fragrance


So…who exactly is behind The Herberowe Candle Co?